Friday, 8 April 2016

Tree monsters

Here's some tree monsters I created about a year and a half ago from wire, green stuff and leftover bits from the GW dryads box.

They were supposed to be treekin for Warhammer but then, you know, that *thing* happened to the Warhammer world and stuffed up my plans for building a wood elf army. I'm sure they'll still pop up in a roleplay game or Kings of War battle somewhere. 

Faces added with greenstuff. Ironically the hands I added were mostly made from dryad faces. 

Paintwork done including owl, little imp and skull with leaves.

I made a total of six of these beasts and based them on 40mm bases.


  1. More lovely work, the faces are really well done and the joins from the plastic bits to your greenstuff work is seemless.

    I see you are another of the gloss varnish brigade, like Simon over at "Fantorical" he's a really nice chap and does some cracking painting and Batreps on his blog well worth a visit. As is Jez over at "Carrion Crows Buffet" I've always been a matt varnish man myself but I can see the appeal of both.

    Cheers Roger.

    If you go look say Roger sent you.

    1. It's funny, I use something called matte varnish but if I shake it up before applying, it comes out glossy which annoys me a bit - but I'm too tight to buy something better :-)

  2. Nope, I'm actually in NSW Australia so I might go to MOAB in Sydney later this year or Cancon in Canberra next year. I say maybe ;-)

  3. Ah, right so I guess it is a bit of a haul for you then, don't know what it is that made me think you were in the UK, thought I'd seen something on your site. Just me losing my faculties though.

    Cheers Roger.
