Thursday, 5 May 2016

Some zombies for my Kings of War army

These are some zombies that have been lying around for quite a while. I've been playing Kings of War lately and really enjoying the Undead army. I like the way they keep coming back at ya... unless they get hit really hard all at once, that is...

Debbie made these herself many years ago and I finally got around to throwing some paint on them.

They are made up of plastic bits from at least two different sources, GW zombie box, very old GW skeletons box and possibly the odd bit from the GW militia box. 

I need about 60 of them to field a Legion in 'Kings of War'.


  1. Those are rather good, that's the trouble with Zombies, you always need such a lot of them! The kings of war plastic Zombies are pretty good too, I've painted up a few of those in the past.

    Cheers Roger.

  2. Thanks. I've been trying to clean up the lead (plastic) mountain I've built up over the years. Problem is Reaper Bones keeps coming along to spoil my plans ;-)
